ASWC Contracted Provider

Katy Keller, MA, LPC (She/Her)

Contracted Provider, Owner of Pine Forest Counseling

 Katy was raised in the mountains and comes from a ranching family. She graduated with her Master's degree in Professional Counseling in 2010 and obtained her licensed in 2013. 

Verified by Psychology Today Katy Keller
Katy Keller, MA, LPC | ASWC Contracted Provider
Mel Babion, BS | ASWC Intern

Mel Babion, MA, LPCC (She/They)

Contracted Provider

Mel is a Colorado native who enjoys being around good company and playing board games. They discovered their passion for mental health and wanted to be an LPC since Psych 101 while pursuing their Associate's degree. They are motivated to work with the LGBTQIA+ population.

Mel approaches therapy from an integrative humanistic and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach. She graduated with her Master's Degree in Clinical Mental Health from the University of Northern Colorado in December 2023.

Verified by Psychology Today Mel Babion

Let's Talk

The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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